Have you seen the scientific evidence that genetically modified foods are 100% safe with no long term health related side effects? Unfortunately, neither have we. What started out to help world hunger, has unfortunately created damage to agriculture, wild life and human health.

What is GMO?

A GMO, otherwise known as genetically modified organism, is a plant, animal and/or microorganism whose genetic makeup has been modified in a laboratory using genetic engineering or transgenic technology. (2) This has the potential to create unstable combinations of plant, animal, bacterial and viral genes that otherwise would not occur in nature. (2)

A company called Monsanto is the world leader in genetically modified (GM) crops. According to their website, they believe that they are helping to solve world hunger and there are no adverse side effects of consuming GM products. Sadly, the truth is that studies have been conducted and have demonstrated that GM products have the potential to cause tumors, digestive dysfunction, allergic reactions, liver and kidney damage. (7)


What Are Other Harmful Effects of GMO?

Increased Toxicity:

Typically, when we consume plants the toxic level is considered low enough to not warrant any potentially side effects.  There is a concern that by adding an “exotic gene” into a plant could increase toxicity in us. How does this happen? An article written by Dr. Ryan Bentley, “Genetically Modified Organisms”, states that certain bacterial genes are inserted into crop seeds to allow farmers to spray otherwise deadly doses of weed-killer directly on the crop without killing it. Seeds such as bacterium Bacillus Thuringiensis (Bt) are inserted into the soil and used as an insect-killing pesticide inside of every cell of the plant. When insects consume the plant, they get a mouthful of potential toxins which in turn causes the insect’s stomach to erupt…killing the insect.  If it can harm or kill an insect, what can it do to humans?

Decreased Nutritional Value

Genetically modified plants could possibly have lower nutritional value when compared to its traditional counterpart. This may be due to nutrients that are unavailable or indigestible. (6)One example came from a study back in 2003, which showed a strain of GM soybean produced lower levels of phytoestrogen compounds. Phytoestrogen compounds are used to protect us against heart disease and cancer.  The GM soybeans had lower levels when compared to traditional soybeans, thus not supplying the body with the nutrients it needs. (6)


Top 10 Foods That Contain GMO (1):

  • Corn – this includes corn flour, meal, oil, starch, gluten and syrup. (2)
  • Soy – Soy makes up over 70% of products in US Supermarkets. It can be found in cereals, breads, soy milk, pasta and meats. Soy may be linked to infant mortality and infertility. A two year study was conducted by Russian Academy of Science on hamsters who consumed GM-soy fed. The study concluded that after 3 generations, the hamsters became infertile. There was also a higher rate of infant mortality on hamsters’ pups. (9)
  • Sugar – Products that are listed as sugar and not pure sugar cane could potentially be a product of sugar cane and GM sugar beets. (5)
  • Aspartame
  • Hawaiian Papayas – The first GMO papaya crop was administered in Hawaii. It was originally meant to help create a way to have a virus-resistant plant against a common papaya virus called Ringspot Virus. It worked for a period of time, but when the population asked for non-GM papayas it was too late. Cross contamination occurred making it virtually impossible to find a non-GM papaya out of Hawaii. If you are looking for a non-GM papaya, try to find papaya out of the Caribbean. (8)
  • Canola – Canola oil is also known as Rapeseed Oil. It can be found in many processed foods, as well as used as a cooking oil.
  • Cotton- Close to 90% of the cotton grown in the US is genetically engineered with Bt toxin and sprayed with Monsanto’s herbicide called Roundup. One report states that, “In the U.S., it typically takes a third of a pound of toxic agricultural chemicals to produce a pound of cotton—that is, the amount of cotton it takes to make one T-shirt. Several pesticides used on cotton are known carcinogens, including Roundup.” (10)
  • Dairy
  • Zucchini
  • Crook Neck Yellow Squash

How Do You Avoid Foods that Contain GMO’s? (5)

  • Make sure to READ your food labels. Select foods that are labeled 100% organic or with the Non-GMO Project Seals. The US government only allows foods that are GMO free to be labeled 100% organic and Non-GMO Project Seals.
  • Avoid processed foods. On average, about 75% of processed foods at the grocery store contain ingredients such as: aspartame, sodium ascorbate, citric acid, vegetable protein, lactic acid, maltodextrins, monosodium glutamate, sucrose, sodium citrate and ethanol. An example of this are cookies, soda, bread and chips. (2)
  • Meat/Eggs – Unless specified on the label, products may be from cows injected with the GM bovine growth hormone or from animals fed GM soy or corn feed. Look for labels stating no rBGH, rBST or artificial hormones. (5)

Genetically modified foods are just one of the many culprits in today’s society that is causing disease. By knowing deficiencies and toxicities that make up one’s metabolic analysis, one can evaluate their lifestyle and make better choices to optimize their health. It’s not easy knowing where to start. That is where your experienced nutritionist can help you by analyzing your comprehensive blood analysis and hair tissue mineral test. Ask us today on how you can start on your way towards better health!

Works Cited:

  1. Renter, Elizabeth. “Top 10 Worst GMO Foods for Your GMO Foods List.” Natural Society, 1 Oct. 2015, naturalsociety.com/top-10-worst-gmo-foods-list/.
  2. “GMO Facts.” Non-GMO Project, nongmoproject.org/gmo-facts/.
  3. Vinje, E. “Bacillus Thuringiensis (Bt) for Pest Control.” Planet Natural, 17 Feb. 2017, planetnatural.com/bacillus-thuringiensis/.
  4. https://blogs.webmd.com/health-ehome/2011/03/how-can-you-avoid-genetically-modified-food.html
  5. Bentley , Ryan. “Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO’s).” Vessels That Thrive, 13 May 2013, www.vesselsthatthrive.com/category/genetically-modified-organisms-gmos/.
  6. “Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO’s).” GMO: Harmful Effects, 2013, enhs.umn.edu/current/5103/gm/harmful.html.
  7. “Why GMOs Can Never Be Safe | GMO Dangers.” com, 6 Aug. 2013, articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2013/08/06/genetic-modification.aspx.
  8. McCleeves , Heather. “How to Choose a Papaya That Is Not Genetically Modified.” org, One Green Plant , 19 June 2017, adrenalfatigue.org/adrenal-function/http://www.onegreenplanet.org/vegan-food/how-to-choose-a-papaya-thats-not-genetically-modified/.
  9. Brassard, Susan. “Dangers of GMO Foods.” COM, Leaf Group, 3 Oct. 2017, www.livestrong.com/article/216714-dangers-of-gmo-foods/.
  10. Cummins, Ronnie. “Beyond Monsanto’s GMO Cotton: Why Consumers Need to Care What We Wear.” Organic Consumers Association, 24 Feb. 2017, www.organicconsumers.org/essays/beyond-monsantos-gmo-cotton-why-consumers-need-care-what-we-wear.


**References for this newsletter as well as previous newsletters may be found on our website. The information has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to treat, cure, or prevent any disease.**

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