Hi. I’m Dr. Duane Marquart. I’m a husband, a father to 4 children, a grandpa to 4, a chiropractor and a teacher. I have a Master’s degree in my pre-professional education, I finished my Doctor degree in 1983, my residency in1985 and fellowship in 1986. I am a Board-Certified Chiropractor and have been in practice over 30 years. While in practice I also taught at the professional level for 20 years. I still teach post-graduate courses for other doctors. My practice has focused on complex and chronic health conditions for 30 years. We help people of all ages. Patients travel from around the region for us to help. They come from St. Louis County, St. Charles County, Jefferson County, St. Louis City and the greater St. Louis region from both Missouri and Illinois.
The Science
The Doctors are trained to provide you with customized programs that are innovative, science-based and utilizes nutritional strengths and weaknesses through an individual’s blood test and analysis of hair, urine, and stool. This scientific approach can offer a clear plan for your optimum health.
These tests give so much information about an individual’s health. They are what we call “functional tests”. They may not diagnose any specific disease, rather they give information about the underlying terrain of the body, the organs and systems that are under stress, and areas that we can act preemptively to prevent disease processes further down the track.
The Difference
Most blood tests are compared to “Lab Ranges” via your results report. If you are within the “Reference Range” you will most likely be told you are normal. What this really means is you fit into the average of the people in you community. Do not confuse that with being with being healthy. We compare your valuse to the true physiology of what healthy values are supposed to mean.
Why not? The problem lies in how Reference (Lab Normal) Ranges are determined.
Reference (Lab Normal) Ranges are determined by taking approximately 100 to 200 people who tested recently with a particular lab (yes, they are determined by each individual lab and not a centralized agency). These results are then averaged – this is the middle of the Normal Range. The high and low sides of the Normal Range will be two standard deviations from the average.
Unfortunately, most of the people’s results used in these calculations are flawed because they were having blood tests run in the first place because they already had a health problem!
Does it make sense to compare your blood test results to averages taken from people who were already experiencing a symptom? No. That is why being “normal” is not good enough! Normal blood test scores simply mean you are not yet as sick as the other people used to determine the normal range.
Free Evaluation
You are encouraged to bring in any of your blood test results and we will help you understand how we might be able to help you restore your life.