Did you know that our body is naturally able to remove toxins, chemicals, and poisons that we are exposed to on a daily basis? In our industrial society, considering the pollution and environmental contaminants, it is well understood you will get exposed to many of these toxic elements. Toxic elements are in the air we breathe, the water we drink, the food we eat, cleaning supplies, shampoos and conditioners, soaps, etc. Although you may claim to eat all organic produce, you still may be exposed to chemicals from the soil, air, and water that the produce thrives off of. Toxic chemical build up causes many of the symptoms and diseases we face today.

These include:

  • Alzheimer’s
  • ADD and ADHD
  • Dementia
  • Cancer
  • Hormone Imbalance and Infertility
  • Fatigue
  • Weight gain
  • Depression


One of the best resources available today to help your body naturally fight environmental toxicity is a whole-food based oral supplement called chlorella. When chlorella is taken into your body, it binds to heavy metals, chemicals and pesticides found in your digestive tract, which is your body’s first line of defense for your immune system. Also, unlike other detoxifiers, chlorella avoids removing essential elements like calcium and magnesium, and will only bind to the toxic elements to aid in removing them from the body.


Chlorella is now used as an adjunct supplement during radiation treatment for cancer. Its abundance of chlorophyll is known to protect the body against ultraviolet radiation.(1) Chlorella is sometimes considered better than taking a multiple vitamin, especially in pregnant women as a resource of natural folate, vitamin B-12 and iron.(3) Studies show that chlorella increases serum albumin levels. Without adequate levels of albumin, vital organs such as kidneys and liver cannot do their jobs as well, and the immune system cannot function as effectively. More than 20 vitamins and minerals are found in chlorella, including iron, calcium, potassium, magnesium, phosphorous, pro-vitamin A, vitamins C, B1, B2, B2, B5, B6, B12, E and K, biotin, inositol, folic acid, plus vitamins C, E and K.(2)


There has been multiple research studies that prove chlorella not only aids in detoxification, but also is supports the immune system and is a powerful antioxidant. A study published in the journal Nutrition in 2010 showed that chlorella’s high antioxidant content is a real health benefit for those who smoke. Because smoking is known to cause cell damage, the researchers found that, among smokers taking chlorella, levels of the antioxidants vitamin C and Vitamin E went up 44.4 percent and 15.7 percent.(4) Another study, published in Nutrition Journal in 2012, confirmed that chlorella also boosts immune by increasing natural killer cell activity (a type of white blood cell part of the immune system) by 127 percent while also increasing gamma interferon activity (a type of protein that regulates nearly all phases of immune and inflammatory responses) increased 53.3 percent!(4)

Chlorella has also been shown to reduce the type of cells that make up adipose (fat) tissue which can aid in the reduction of weight loss. Studies show that supplementing with chlorella can induce the breakdown of cells that increase the synthesis and accumulation of triglycerides, blood glucose regulation, and may prevent insulin resistance.(5),(6)

Did you know that body fat accumulates 10 to 100 times more toxins than your blood? Therefore, it is crucial to maintain a healthy weight. Sure, taking supplements such as chlorella to increase your digestion and improve your immune system is part of a weight loss plan, but a healthy diet rich in lean meats, vegetables, and fruit along with an exercise routine is just as important. For more tips on weight loss see our “Weight Loss” newsletter.

Choosing your Chlorella supplements

Chlorella is completely indigestible by humans. We simply do not have the enzymes to break down its cell wall because of its tough outer cell wall. Therefore, when choosing a supplement make sure you choose broken cell wall or cracked cell wall chlorella. Other ingredients that help aid in detoxification are turmeric, citronella, ginger, milk thistle, and spirulina to just name a few. Read more about detoxification in our two part “Detox: is it for you?” newsletters.

How to find out what you need

Everyone’s body reacts to heavy toxic metals differently. There are many factors that weigh in on how well your body is able to get rid of them naturally. The only way to tell exactly what you are being exposed to and how well you are eliminating it would be to test. However, more importantly is what is NOT being excreted. Just because a toxic element is not coming out via hair or urine does not mean you have not been exposed to that toxic element. It can indicate one has an inability to excrete the toxic element which can lead to many symptoms. A comprehensive blood panel and tissue mineral analysis will provide an experienced nutritionist ability to guide you on what exactly your body needs to reach optimal health. At times, it may be necessary to “purge” or “chelate” using a provoking agent such as DMSA, to remove heavy metals from the system. Testing is done prior in order to analyze one’s excretion rates.

Combining the blood work with the toxic element testing gives you the best overall picture and plan of action for your health. Schedule your appointment today to determine exactly what your body needs!


  1. Diamond WJ and Cowden WL. An Alternative Medicine Definitive Guide to Cancer. 1997. Tiburon, CA: Future Medicine Publishing, Inc.
  2. Chlorella Benefits. http://www.herbwisdom.com/herb-chlorella.html Accessed on Sept. 30, 2014
  3. Nakano S, Takekoshi H, Nakano M. Chlorella pyrenoidosa supplementation reduces the risk of anemia, proteinuria and edema in pregnant women. Plant Foods Hum Nutr. 2010 March
  4. Gutierrez, David. Research proves chlorella has antioxidative effects, ‘should be included as a key component of a healthy diet’. NaturalNews.com November 12, 2013
  5. Chon JW, Sung JH, Hwang EJ, Park YK. Chlorella methanol extract reduces lipid accumulation in and increases the number of apoptotic 3T3-L1 cells. Ann N Y Acad Sci. 2009 August 1171:183-9. Department of Medical Nutrition, Graduate School of East-West Medical Science, Kyung Hee University, Yongin-si, Korea.
  6. Lee HS, Kim MK. Effect of Chlorella vulgaris on glucose metabolism in Wistar rats fed high fat diet. J Med Food. 2009 October 12(5):1029-37. Department of Nutritional Science and Food Management, Ewha Womans University, Seoul, Republic of Korea.

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